Monday, September 29, 2008

I am a Tree hugger<3!

When people say "I'm a tree hugger" you automaticly think oh their a total hippy. Well I do try to keep the environement clean, but all my love goes to one tree, and that isn't even a real tree. She is my best friend! Yes, her real name is Tree. I've know her for about 2 and a half years now and I love her! She is always there for me and is one of the coolest people you will ever meet. In my other blog I talk about river and now people are probaly thinking I have no friends and they are all made up. WELL your wrong, they are totally real people! And I love them both!!! Tree will always be one of my best friends and I will always be one of hers! So when I say I love one Tree I mean her! She is awesome and amazing! i would do anything for her!

I love you Tree and always will! =]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The weekend of me and River

River and I were sitting in class on Friday and we wanted to go to a football game.  So she came over and I took her to the game. We saw all our old friends and we got so many hugs!!! After the game RIver came back to my house and we went to sleep. The next we went into town and charlie hung out with us. We went to Jamba Juice and Charlie had to use the bathroom and I was just kidding and said lets ditch him, and River ran outside. So I followed her. He came out and laughed. After that we all saw Space Chimps. After the movie we hung out front of Rite Aid. Charlie through a penny at River and hit her in the eye. She tried to get him back but elbowed me in the face instead. That ended so it got boring. Charlie road his skateboard. Which was really boring to watch. So I took it and started riding it. I'm pretty good. haha. Anyways we got picked up and went home and slept. The next day we were chilling at my house and we all went into town but than went home right after. River and I were at my house watching T.V. and talking to people on my phone. The next day we got ready for school and we missed the bus so my mom had to take us to school that day. We got to school and our awesome weekend ended =[.